Congrats! Your Tax Match is FreeTaxUSA!

Why FreeTaxUSA?

FreeTaxUSA is an ideal compromise between paying a lot to file your taxes and printing tax forms out to file on your own. They support most major tax situations (check out their support forms here), their federal returns are completely free (complicated or simple), and each state return is only $12.95

How FreeTaxUSA Performs

  • 100% Free Federal Filing (for everyone!)
  • State Tax Returns only cost $12.95
  • Supports even the most complicated tax situations
  • Straightforward interface
  • Fewer customer support options than competitors
  • You'll have to enter tax forms by hand
  • If you're used to a colorful interface and fancy graphics switching to FreeTaxUSA could be an adjustment.



For those used to paying over $100 to file taxes, FreeTaxUSA is a dream. For those just starting to file, trust us, paying $0 for a federal return and $12.95 for a state return is a dream. Just be sure to manage your expectations. FreeTaxUSA is an incredibly powerful software, capable of filing most returns, but for such a great price it won’t look as nice or offer the crazy support options you get with other software. For example, you’ll need to enter forms by hand rather than take a picture. If you can get over that and navigate a keyboard we think you’ll like FreeTaxUSA – especially how much money it can save you. 

Easy to Use


Like other popular tax software, FreeTaxUSA uses an interview style process to file your taxes. Questions are easy to understand and alerts let you know if something is missing or seems wrong. Navigating back to previous sections is especially easy to do using the navigation bar at the top of the screen. If you’re filing for the first time, or looking to change who you file with, we recommend you give FreeTaxUSA a try. Like other filing options, you’ll only pay when you file!

Customer Support


Customer Support is mostly handled through secure account messaging and email – and is surprisingly responsive, typically less than 30 minutes during business hours. If you want live chat, you can upgrade to Deluxe for  $6.99. 

We think FreeTaxUSA support is enough for most customers who have a few questions along the way, even if they’re more complicated. If you’re worried about your tax situation, or want an expert’s opinion we recommend you try a service like TurboTax Live or file with an H&R Block Pro.

Money. You want more, not less. Pricier services (think TurboTax) can be worth their weight in gold if you need the perks they offer. If not, you'll over pay for the same return you can get for less. Finding the right price is about understanding what you'll need to file.